This "module" is intended to a follow-up from Workshop Event promoted by ARISE on 10th September 2 Effective market implementation of sustainable energy and digital skills in the AEC sector.
It provides guidance to Public & Private procurers in relation to better consider and include and Digital Skills towards energy efficiency in their procurement, and measures of support and stimulus for implementation

An introduction module to allow you to gauge you current skills and help you choose Modules that may be useful to raise you digital skills.
- Teacher: César Madureira

Trainee for ARISE Trials sample period? In this module you will learn:
how the training programme works; how it was developed to meet your needs, in
whatever role you have in the AEC industry; to understand the curriculum and choose training suited for you; how the e-platform works and navigate training
materials; about our different blended methods of delivery/ teaching and assessment. Then sample a preview module!
- Teacher: FAC admin
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: atmane anas
- Teacher: Kieron Flannery
- Teacher: James Harty
- Teacher: Barry McAuley
- Teacher: Claudia Tedeschi

Introductory module aimed at trainers.
Provides a welcome pack to Trainers regarding the Arise platform, allowing them to get familiarised with UI and internal tools of platform, to set up and deliver courses/ modules/ training.
Provides guidance on good practice, Quality assurance, and overall standards.
Presentation of ARISE Training Framework.
not applicable
ARISE Framework associated Area(s)
not applicable
ARISE Framework associated Speciality.
not applicable
Associate Task & Subtask
not applicable
Training indicative contents
Enrolment methods
Training tools within the platform (books, lessons, pages, etc)
Inserting external content
Methods of assessment
Gamification, Xps and standards
Quality Control and Standards
The ARISE Framework & Feedback (Mandatory)
Self-guided learning- Online
Methods of assessment
Formative self-assessment (online tests)