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This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Visibility Controls

Conoscere il BIM e i termini chiave del BIM
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

Cosa sono le dimensioni BIM? Probabilmente avete già sentito parlare di livelli o fasi BIM, ma che dire delle dimensioni? Scoprite quante sono, cosa significano e come si applicano al vostro ruolo e al vostro flusso di lavoro. Dal 2D al 7D, le tratteremo tutte.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

Completion of module BIM Maturity I & II is recommended.
Completion of module BIM Requirements - Intro is recommended.
Module gives an introductory overview on the Key requirements to achieve stage 2 BIM maturity and its impacts.
ULO (s)
Understand context and essential of BIM
Understand key requirements of BIM implementation.
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Speciality.
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Explain Impacts of BIM requirements.
Training indicative contents
Requirements to achieve Maturity stage 2
Indicative examples of the impacts of such requirements
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
OA member exclusive: possibility to avail of blended sessions with expert tutor)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests.
-Level 4

Requirements. Completion of module BIM Standards I is required (recommended)
Summary: Following up on the BIM Standards I module, this module continues to address the fundamental Standards that define the Bim methodology, processes and procedures. To implement and collaborate in the BIM process stakeholders need to follow same Standards. This training module is intended to further the learner’s knowledge of the subject by incentivising further self-learning, research, and learner’s critical summary and explanation of the role and content of applicable Standards
Overall basic knowledge that relates to multiple groups: BIM BASICS, BIM SUPPORT, and is essential to ensure a proper BIM APPLICATION. By the end of this short training, Learners should be able to Understand: The Application and Standards of BIM
ULO (s)
Understanding of BIM standards and how they applied in industry (120)- Summarise Standards
Other Related ULOs
Understand the context and essentials of BIM-Key Terms of BIM (1)
Understand some key terms and definitions within BIM (2)
Understanding of BIM implementation (5)
Understanding how to manage the BIM management process (76)
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
BIM BASICS-Basics, SUPPORT-Project Data, SUPPORT-System, APPLICATION-BIM Management, APPLICATION-BIM Project Management
Associated and related Task & Subtask (direct & indirect)
T-(BB-1.1)- Understand BIM Basics
St- Understand BIM Fundamentals; Understand BIM Terms & Definitions
T(BA-1.1)- Implement BIM strategy
St- Devise BIM-strategy; Manage organisational BIM-guidelines
T- (BA-2.2) Manage BIM information on project level
St- Develop a strategy to be followed through all the project phases; Coach/advise coworkers on BIM-practice
T(BS1.1) Manage project data
St- Manage the project CDE and/or federated data system
T(BS1.2) Assure data security
St- Implement organisational measures
Training indicative contents
Further development of Bim Standards understanding and applicability
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via written report.
aimed EQF level:
Level 3 towards level 4 (indicative benchmark)

Requirements. N/A
Summary: This module Introduces the fundamental Standards that define the Bim methodology, processes and procedures. To implement and collaborate in the BIM process, stakeholders need to follow same Standards
This training modules is intended to provide an introduction overview to the learners about the BIM applicable Standards
This is an overall basic knowledge that relates (directly or indirectly) to multiple groups: BIM BASICS, BIM SUPPORT, and is essential to ensure a proper BIM APPLICATION. By the end of this short training, learners should be able to Understand: The Application and Standards of BIM.
ULO (s)
Understanding of BIM standards and how they applied in industry (120)
Other Related ULOs
Understand the context and essentials of BIM-Key Terms of BIM (1)
Understand some key terms and definitions within BIM (2)
Understanding of BIM implementation (5)
Understanding how to manage the BIM management process (76)
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
BIM BASICS-Basics, SUPPORT-Project Data, SUPPORT-System, APPLICATION-BIM Management, APPLICATION-BIM Project Management
Associated and related Task & Subtask (direct & indirect)
T-(BB-1.1)- Understand BIM Basics
St- Understand BIM Fundamentals; Understand BIM Terms & Definitions
T(BA-1.1)- Implement BIM strategy
St- Devise BIM-strategy; Manage organisational BIM-guidelines
T- (BA-2.2) Manage BIM information on project level
St- Develop a strategy to be followed through all the project phases; Coach/advise coworkers on BIM-practice
T(BS1.1) Manage project data
St- Manage the project CDE and/or federated data system
T(BS1.2) Assure data security
St- Implement organisational measures
Training indicative contents
Further development of Bim Standards understanding and applicability
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via written report.
aimed EQF level:
Level 3 (indicative benchmark)
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: César Madureira

Requirements: Completion of module BIM Requirements – CDE is recommended.
Following up on the BIM Requirements – CDE I module, this module continues to address this fundamental requirement for BIM implementation. This training module is intended to further the learner’s knowledge of the subject by incentivising further self-learning, research, and for learner to understand how to Set and Manage a CDE
Basic knowledge linked to multiple groups: BIM BASICS, BIM SUPPORT, and is essential to ensure a proper BIM APPLICATION. By the end of this short training, Learners should be able to understand how to manage a CDE.
If focuses on: Understand the technological requirements for BIM implementation and security- specifically: Explain the use of common data environments, including arrangements for collaborative working and communication.
Related ULOs
Proposing workflows to collect, manage and disseminate documentation, graphical models and non-graphical data for the whole facility team in a Common Data Environment (CDE) (44)
Proposing (basic solutions) for a CDE, including arrangements for collaborative working and communication (66a.)
Proposing (solutions) and checking a CDE, including arrangements for collaborative working and communication. (66b)
Understanding Information and Communication Technologies (67)
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
Associate Task & Subtask
T-(BS-1.1)- Manage project data
St- Manage the project CDE and/or federated data system
Training indicative contents
Intro to CDE
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online- Links
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online test
aimed EQF level:
-Level 3 (indicative)

- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: Claudia Tedeschi

La rivoluzione 4.0 (digitalizzazione) sta trasformando l'industria AEC in molti modi. I flussi di lavoro, i metodi, i processi e gli strumenti utilizzati dai professionisti stanno cambiando. Il BIM è un aspetto molto importante di questa trasformazione, spesso posto alla base e al centro di questi nuovi metodi digitali. Ma perché adottare e implementare questo cambiamento? Quali vantaggi e benefici porta l'adozione del BIM (e della digitalizzazione) all'industria e ai suoi professionisti? Perché e come costituisce un miglioramento rispetto al modo in cui tutti i professionisti AEC hanno lavorato per anni? Questa formazione offre una rapida panoramica dei vantaggi complessivi dell'implementazione del BIM e della digitalizzazione in generale per l'intero settore AEC.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: Elena Le Pera
- Teacher: Claudia Tedeschi

Completion of module BIM Requirements-Lol, Lod & LOD I is recommended.
Module continuing to present the concept of LoI, Lod & LoD
And the concept of Level of Information Needed (LOIN)
ULO (s)
Understand The context and essential of BIM-Key Terms of BIM -BEP
Understand Application and Standards of BIM
Understand key Requirements for BIM Implementation
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Speciality.
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Explain what is a LOIN
Training indicative contents
What is an LOIN
Evolution from LoD and LoI
Impacts of using correct LOIN
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
OA member exclusive: possibility to avail of blended sessions with expert tutor)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests

Module presents the concepts of LoI, Lod & LoD
ULO (s):
ARISE Framework associate Area(s):
ARISE Framework associate Speciality:
Associate Task & Subtask:
Training indicative contents:
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
OA member exclusive: possibility to avail of blended sessions with expert tutor)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests.
-Level 4

Requirements: Completion of module BIM Requirements- BEP I is recommended.
Following up on the BIM Requirements- BEP I module, this module continues to address the fundamental requirements for BIM implementation. This training module is intended to further the learner’s knowledge of the subject by incentivising further self-learning, research, and for learner to practice creating/ devising a sample BEP
Is related to basic knowledge linked to multiple groups: BIM BASICS, BIM SUPPORT, and is essential to ensure a proper BIM APPLICATION. By the end of this short training, Learners should be able to Compose a Bim Execution Plan
Related ULOs
Understand the context and essentials of BIM-Key Terms of BIM (1)
Understanding of BIM standards and how they applied in industry (120)- Summarise Standards
Understanding of BIM implementation (5)
Understanding how to manage the BIM management process (76)
Understanding of the different information requirements found throughout the BIM process (121)
Understand the tender for Project BIM deliverables, requirements and Expectations
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
SUPPORT-Project Data, SUPPORT-System, APPLICATION-BIM Management, APPLICATION-BIM Project Management
Associate Task & Sub-tasks
T-(BA-2.1)- Coordinate arrangements and contracts regarding information delivery
St-Compose BIM Execution Plan
Additional related
T-(BB-1.1)- Understand BIM Basics
St- Understand BIM Fundamentals; Understand BIM Terms & Definitions-What a BEP is
T- Explain Impacts of BIM requirements.
St-Identify Key requirements to enable successful BIM implementation
T(BA-1.1)- Implement BIM strategy
St- Devise BIM-strategy; Manage organisational BIM-guidelines
T- (BA-2.2) Manage BIM information on project level
St- Develop a strategy to be followed through all the project phases; Coach/advise coworkers on BIM-practice
T(BS1.1) Manage project data
St- Manage the project CDE and/or federated data system
T(BS1.2) Assure data security
St- Implement organisational measures
Training indicative contents
Facilitating access to Template examples of BEP and guidance’s on creating a BEP
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online- Links
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via “practical” written task
aimed EQF level:
-Level 3 to 4/ 5

Requirements: Completion of module BIM Requirements is recommended.
Module present the concept BEP, according to ISO16950. This module continues to address the fundamental requirements to implement a BIM methodology, processes and procedures. To implement and collaborate in the BIM process stakeholders need to satisfy these requirements. This training modules is intended to provide an introduction overview to the learners about this subject.
This is an overall basic knowledge that relates (directly or indirectly) to multiple groups: BIM BASICS, BIM SUPPORT, and is essential to ensure a proper BIM APPLICATION. By the end of this short training, learners should be able to: Understanding what is a BEP
Related ULOs
Understand the context and essentials of BIM-Key Terms of BIM (1)
Understanding of BIM standards and how they applied in industry (120)- Summarise Standards
Understanding of BIM implementation (5)
Understanding how to manage the BIM management process (76)
Understanding of the different information requirements found throughout the BIM process (121)
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
SUPPORT-Project Data, SUPPORT-System, APPLICATION-BIM Management, APPLICATION-BIM Project Management
Associate Task & Subtask
T-(BB-1.1)- Understand BIM Basics
St- Understand BIM Fundamentals; Understand BIM Terms & Definitions-Explain what is a BEP
T-(BA-2.1)- Coordinate arrangements and contracts regarding information delivery
St-Compose BIM Execution Plan
T- Explain Impacts of BIM requirements.
St-Identify Key requirements to enable successful BIM implementation
T(BA-1.1)- Implement BIM strategy
St- Devise BIM-strategy; Manage organisational BIM-guidelines
T- (BA-2.2) Manage BIM information on project level
St- Develop a strategy to be followed through all the project phases; Coach/advise coworkers on BIM-practice
T(BS1.1) Manage project data
St- Manage the project CDE and/or federated data system
T(BS1.2) Assure data security
St- Implement organisational measures
Training indicative contents
What is a BEP. What does it involve and encompass?
BEP Recent History and concepts- PAS1192 context
Current BEP application-ISO 19650
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests
aimed EQF level:
Level 3 (indicative benchmark)

Requirements Completion of module BIM Requirements is recommended.
Module present the concept EIRs according to ISO19650.
ULO (s)
Understand The context and essential of BIM-Key Terms of BIM
Understand Application and Standards of BIM
Understand key Requirements for BIM Implementation
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Speciality.
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Explain what an EIR is
Training indicative contents
• What is an EIR
• EIR authorship
• EIR Recent History and Concepts- PAS1192 context
• Current concept application – ISO 19650
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests.
-Level 3 to 4 (indicative)
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

Completion of module BIM Maturity I & II is recommended.
Completion of module BIM Requirements - Intro is recommended.
Module gives an introductory overview on the Key requirements to achieve stage 2 BIM maturity and its impacts.
ULO (s)
Understand context and essential of BIM
Understand key requirements of BIM implementation.
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Speciality.
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Explain Impacts of BIM requirements.
Training indicative contents
Requirements to achieve Maturity stage 2
Indicative examples of the impacts of such requirements
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
OA member exclusive: possibility to avail of blended sessions with expert tutor)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests.
-Level 4

Requirements N/A. However, Completion of modules What is BIM, BIM Key Terms & Definitions-intro, BIM Standards and BIM Maturity Stages is recommend
Module gives an introductory overview on the Key requirements to achieve Stage 2 BIM maturity.
ULO (s)
Understand The context and essential of BIM-Key Terms of BIM ( 1 & 2)
Understanding of BIM implementation (5)
Other Related ULOs
Understanding how to manage the BIM management process (76)
Understanding of the different information requirements found throughout
the BIM process (121)
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
SUPPORT-Project Data, SUPPORT-System, APPLICATION-BIM Management, APPLICATION-BIM Project Management
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Explain Impacts of BIM requirements.
St-Identify Key requirements to enable successful BIM implementation
T-(BB-1.1)- Understand BIM Basics
St- Understand BIM Fundamentals; Understand BIM Terms & Definitions
T(BA-1.1)- Implement BIM strategy
St- Devise BIM-strategy; Manage organisational BIM-guidelines
T- (BA-2.2) Manage BIM information on project level
St- Develop a strategy to be followed through all the project phases; Coach/advise coworkers on BIM-practice
T(BS1.1) Manage project data
St- Manage the project CDE and/or federated data system
T(BS1.2) Assure data security
St- Implement organisational measures
Training indicative contents
Requirements to achieve Maturity stage 2
Identify the key requirements for BIM implementation
Indicative examples of the impacts of such requirements
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online quiz
aAimed EQF level:
Level 2- 3 (indicative benchmark)

Completion of module Key Terms & Definitions-Intro is required
Following up on the BIM Terms I module, this continues the Introduction to Key fundamental BIM terminology. A further overview on what they mean, to help professionals, who are:beginning their BIM journey, to grasp fundamental concepts involved in the BIM methodology.
To implement and collaborate in the BIM process, knowledge of some essential key terms becomes essential. This continued short introduction training will cover the essential basic important terms, allowing learners to navigate BIM jargon.
It will also suggest where, when required, to find more information regarding the terms to further assist learners to progress in their self learning while in their BIM journey. Understanding more is required to become more proficient and to implement BIM further into AEC roles, workflow, and businesses.
This training unit addresses further the essential concepts and terms to understand the context and essentials of BIM. It is part of the BIM Basics overall basic knowledge. By the end of this short training, learners will be able to: Explain some key terms and definitions within BIM.
For those who already know about BIM Terminology, this offers a chance to test, prove and record your knowledge. ARISE promotes recognition of pre-acquired knowledge.
ULO (s)
Understand the context and essentials of BIM-Key Terms of BIM: Explain some key terms and definitions within BIM.
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Explain what BIM Means
St- Explain some BIM key Terms.
Training indicative contents
Introduction to further important BIM terms explanation
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
OA member exclusive: PT version contents
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via written report.
aimed EQF level
-Level 4 ( indicative benchmark)

Introductory on the concept of Digital Construction and its impact on the AEC
Industry in terms of workflows, tools, benefits, and barriers.
An Overview of what it means and What it involves.
Helping professionals understand the impact of their own roles, on the roles of other stakeholders, and in collaboration and interaction between them.
Will provide examples and illustrations of benefits, including its contribution to transform and enable the AEC industry moving forward towards achieving a more energy efficient building environment.
ULO (s)
Understand What is Digital Construction
Understand Benefits and values of Digitisation for the AEC industry
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Speciality.
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
Define Digital Construction (inc scope, associated processes and tools)
Identify at least 2 benefits of the use of Digital Technologies in the AEC sector
Training indicative contents
Introduction to what is Digital C0nstruction
Examples of digitisation and digital tools in the AEC Industry
Benefits and Barriers
Impacts into Specific Roles
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning (Online)
OA member exclusive: possibility to avail of blended sessions with expert tutor)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests.
-Level 3
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: atmane anas

Introductory on the concept of Digital Construction and its impact on the AEC
Industry in terms of workflows, tools, benefits, and barriers.
An Overview of what it means and What it involves.
Helping professionals understand the impact of their own roles, on the roles of other stakeholders, and in collaboration and interaction between them.
Will provide examples and illustrations of benefits, including its contribution to transform and enable the AEC industry moving forward towards achieving a more energy efficient building environment.
ULO (s)
- Understand What is Digital Construction
- Understand Benefits and values of Digitisation for the AEC industry
ARISE Framework associate Area(s):
BIM BasicsARISE Framework associate Speciality:
BIM Basics
Associate and related Task & Subtasks
- Define Digital Construction (inc: scope, associated processes and tools)
- Identify at least 2 benefits of the use of Digital Technologies in the AEC sector
Training indicative contents
- Introduction to what is Digital Construction
- Examples of digitisation and digital tools in the AEC Industry
- Benefits and Barriers
- Impacts into Specific Roles
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning (Online)
OA member exclusive: possibility to avail of blended sessions with expert tutor)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests.
Indicative EQF benchmark
-Level 3
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

BIM offers digital solutions to enable and help AEC industry to achieve low energy building stock.
Learners will know and be able to:
-Illustrate how BIM can be utilised to reduce energy loss
This training is part of a set related to building up essential skills related for AEC workers to Low Energy Building Construction.
It is an introduction to BIM models, methods, and tools that can contribute towards a more energy-efficient building stock.
This training unit will enable the learner to develop a fundamental understanding of how BIM can be used as a digital enabling tool/method to help the AEC industry and professionals in several roles to reduce energy losses, with a holistic full lifecycle approach.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module will cover:
Helping you understand the BIM maturity within your workplace. Helping to understand how to transition from a 2D CAD based "traditional workflow to a more digitalised, 3D BIM model and BIM methodology centric one.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: César Madureira
- Teacher: teagan o donoghue

What are BIM Dimensions? You probably already heard about BIM levels or stages, but what about these Dimensions? Learn how many are there; what do they mean and how they apply into your role and workflow. From 2D to 7D, we will cover them all.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: César Madureira
- Teacher: teagan o donoghue

The 4.0 revolution ( digitalisation) is transforming the AEC industry workflows, methods, processes and tools. BIM in the base and center of this transformation. What advantages and benefits does the adoption of BIM brings to the industry, and to its professionals? Why and How does it constitutes an improvement to how all AEC professionals have worked for years? Take a quick overview of overall benefits of BIM implementation, and digitalisation in general, for the AEC industry.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: César Madureira

Requirements: N/A
This Micro module is an Introduction to Key fundamental BIM terminology. A quick overview on what they mean, to help professionals, who are:beginning their BIM journey, to grasp fundamental concepts involved in the BIM methodology.
To implement and collaborate in the BIM process, knowledge of some essential key terms becomes essential. This short introduction covers essential basic important terms, allowing learners to navigate BIM jargon. It is part of the BIM Basics overall basic knowledge. By the end of this short training, learners will be able to: Explain some key terms and definitions within BIM.
For those who already know about BIM Terminology, this offers a chance to test, prove and record your knowledge. ARISE promotes recognition of pre-acquired knowledge.
ULO (s)
Understand the context and essentials of BIM-Key Terms of BIM: Summarise some key terms and definitions within BIM.
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Specialism
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Explain what BIM Means
St- Explain some BIM key Terms.
Training indicative contents
Introduction to essential BIM terms
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online
OA member exclusive: PT version contents
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment online test
aimed EQF level
-Level 3 ( indicative benchmark)
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: César Madureira

Introductory on the concept of BIM its impact on the AEC Industry in terms of workflows, tools, benefits, and barriers.
An Overview of what it means, what and who it involves.
Helping professionals understand the impact of their own roles, the roles of other stakeholders, and to the collaboration and interaction between them.
Will provide brief examples of application and benefits, including its contribution to transform and enable the AEC industry moving forward towards achieving a more energy efficient building environment.
ULO (s)
Understand What is BIM
Understand Benefits and values of BIM for the AEC industry
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate speciality.
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T-Summarise what is BIM.
St-Identify its benefits.
Training indicative contents
Introduction to BIM and recent implementation History
What does BIM involve?
Who does BIM affects?
Introductory overview of BIM impacts
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning (Online)
OA member exclusive: podssibility to avail of blended sessions with expert tutor)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online tests.
-Level 4
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: César Madureira
- Teacher: teagan o donoghue
- Teacher: Claudia Tedeschi

The following learning module has been developed using material that has been supplied by BIMzeED. Within this module, topics such as the NZEB and BIM will be presented focusing on the fundamentals and how BIM can be used to support an NZEB design.
Learning Outcomes/Objectives
- Identify the fundamentals of NZEB
- Identify the principles and what tools can be used to support an nZEB building design using BIM
- Identify the building regulations and principles applicable to achieve NZEB.

- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: Claudia Tedeschi

This module learning content is related to Multiple BIM Specialisms and Tasks: Mainly BIM Application-BIM Coordination. It covers a knowledge skillset required in subtasks related to 4D BIM: Understand How BIM 4D may be used within the construction and design industry.
Learning Outcomes/ Objectives
Understand how BIM 4D may be used within the construction and design industry.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module learning content is related to Multiple BIM Specialisms and Tasks: Mainly BIM Application-BIM Coordination. It covers a knowledge skillset required in subtasks related to 4D BIM: Understand BIM 4D may be used within the construction and design industry; Understand an interrogation software 4D User Interface; Understand how to Create a 4D program and animation
Learning Outcomes/ Objectives
- Understand how BIM 4D may be used within the construction and design industry.
- Understand 4D User interface
- Understand how to Create a 4D program and animation
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

Export from BIM authoring software ( revit) to IFC - Intro
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application SpecialismIt’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving:
- Be able to create Templates
- Producing a Titleblokc
- Be able to develop and publish data in using BIM
It covers: Be able to develop and publish data in using BIM, creating and using template files. More specifically: Create a Titleblock ( Revit version)
{mlang pt}
Este módulo faz parte da Especialização em Aplicação BIM - É parte do conjunto de capacidades necessárias nas subtarefas que envolvem a criação e utilização de um modelo BIM, relativas ao desenvolvimento e publicação de dados.
Objetivo: Ser capaz de desenvolver e publicar dados utilizando um modelo BIM, com o uso de ficheiros modelo (templates). Mais especificamente: Criar um Título de Legenda ( Titleblock) (versão Revit).
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
- Teacher: Claudia Tedeschi

Requirements: Completion of module BIM Requirements EIR I is recommended.
Summary Module presents the concept EIRs according to ISO19650.
Following up on the BIM Requirements- EIR I module, this module continues to address the fundamental requirements for BIM implementation. This training module is intended to further the learner’s knowledge of the subject by incentivising further self-learning, research, and for learner to practice creating/ devising a sample EIR
Is related to basic knowledge linked to multiple groups: BIM BASICS and BIM APPLICATION
By the end of this short training, Learners should be able to Compose a EIR.
ULO (s)
Understand The context and essential of BIM-Key Terms of BIM
Understand Application and Standards of BIM
Understand key Requirements for BIM Implementation
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Basics
ARISE Framework associate Specialism.
BIM Basics
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Devise an EIR
Training indicative contents
EIR authorship
Training indicative contents
EIR creation- Facilitating access to Template examples of BEP and guidance’s on creating a BEP
Delivery Format-
Self-guided learning- Online- Links
And Blended delivery.
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via “practical” written task
aimed EQF level:
-Level 3 to 4/5( indicative)

Short module that covers different project strategies for different groups in the context of the implementation of a BIM strategy.
Understanding how to develop project strategies for different groups
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Application
ARISE Framework associate Speciality
BIM Management
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Implement BIM strategy
St - Develop project strategies for different groups a/o areas*
Delivery Format
Self Guided Learning (Online)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online testing
Level 3/4
Short module that covers different project strategies for different groups in the context of the implementation of a BIM strategy.
Understanding how to develop project strategies for different groups
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Application
ARISE Framework associate Speciality
BIM Management
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Implement BIM strategy
St - Develop project strategies for different groups a/o areas*
Delivery Format
Self Guided Learning (Online)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online testing
Level 3/4

Short module that covers the principles of securing acquired BIM knowledge. This course will progress from an introduction to knowing how to propose a solution.
Understanding how to secure acquired BIM knowledge
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Application
ARISE Framework associate Speciality
BIM Management
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Implement BIM Strategy
St - Secure acquired BIM-knowledge
Delivery Format
Self Guided Learning (Online)
Methods of assessment Summative assessment via online testing

Short module that covers the principles of BIM at an organisational level and an introduction to devising and managing organisational BIM guidelines. This course will progress from an introduction to knowing how to propose a solution.
Understanding of organisational BIM-guidelines
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Application
ARISE Framework associate Speciality
BIM Management
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Implement BIM strategy
St - Manage organisations BIM-guidelines
Delivery Format
Self Guided Learning (Online)
Methods of assessment Summative assessment via online testing.

Short module that covers the principles of BIM implementation and an introduction to devising an BIM implementation strategy. This course will progress from an introduction to knowing how to propose a solution.
- Understanding of BIM Implementation
- Understanding of the content, essentials and benefits of BIM
ARISE Framework associate Area(s)
BIM Application
ARISE Framework associate Speciality
BIM Management
Associate Task & Subtask
T- Implement BIM Strategy
St - Devise BIM-strategy
Delivery Format
Self-Guided Learning (Online)
Methods of assessment
Summative assessment via online testing.
EQF Level

Training in Skills related with BIM Application- BIM Modelling. Skills will conduct to better use of BIM in the context of Digital construction and as a digitalisation tool leading to improved methods and as a contributing tool towards enabling Energy Efficiency.
Training Aimed to a set of Construction professionals and trainer in vocational and Higher Education Institutions in N.I.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software(Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- preloaded elements and components. More specifically- Windows
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software(Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- preloaded elements and components. More specifically- Doors, Windows & Openings

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software(Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- preloaded elements and components. More specifically- Doors
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)
This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software (Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- customisedelements and components. More specifically-Vertical Circulation -Stairs

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software(Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- preloaded elements and components. More specifically- Roofs

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software(Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- preloaded elements and components. More specifically- Floors
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software(Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- preloaded elements and components. More specifically- Walls
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to create a BIM model using an industry-standard BIM software(Revit version)_ Demonstrate use of creation and modification tools- preloaded elements and components. More specifically- Ceilings
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software user interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Graphics & Visibility Controls
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Views
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Identifying Plugins
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Selection tools
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIMmodel.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Shortcuts
mlang} {mlang pt} Este módulo faz parte duma Especialização em Aplicação BIM - Modelação BIM. É parte do conjunto de capacidades necessárias nas subtarefas que envolvem a criação de um modelo BIM.
Objectivo: Compreender e ser capaz de usar a interface do software de modelagem BIM (versão do Revit).Mais especificamente: Uso de Atalhos.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIMmodel.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Selection tools
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM application specialism-BIM modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIMmodel.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Navigating UI
mlang} {mlang pt} Este módulo faz parte da especialização em aplicação BIM - ModelaçãoBIM. É parte do conjunto de capacidades necessárias em subtarefas que envolvem a criação de um modelo BIM.
Objectivo: Compreender e ser capaz de usar a interface do software de modelagem BIM (versão do Revit).Mais especificamente: Navegação do interface do usuário.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM application specialism-BIM modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a Bim model.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Hierarchies and Elements that organise the UI
mlang} {mlang pt} Este módulo faz parte da especialização em aplicação BIM - ModelaçãoBIM. É parte do conjunto de capacidades necessárias em subtarefas que envolvem a criação de um modelo BIM.
Objectivo: Compreender e ser capaz de usar a interface do software de modelagem BIM (versão do Revit).Mais especificamente: Hierarquias e elementos que organizam a interface do usuário.
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)

This module part of the BIM Application Specialism-BIM Modelling. It’s part of the knowledge skillset required in subtasks involving: Creating a BIM model.
It covers: Understand and be able to use BIM modelling software interface-. (Revit version)_More specifically- Sections & Elevations
- Teacher: ARISE Admin(ER)