Overview of BIM Benefits - Intro

4.0 revolution-digitalisation is changing the AEC industry’s workflows, methods, processes and tools. BIM is often in the center of this. What benefits adopting BIM brings to the industry and its professionals? Why/ How it improves the way AEC professionals are used to work? This is a quick overview of benefits of BIM (and digitalisation) implementation.

30 minutos

Learners will be able to: Illustrate the benefits of BIM to the construction sector.

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See how BIM can benefit you and the industry

The 4.0 revolution (digitalisation) is transforming the AEC industry in many ways. The workflows, methods, processes and tools utilised by professionals are changing. BIM is a very important aspect of this transformation, placed often in the base and center of these new digital methods.  But why to adopt and implement this change? What advantages and benefits does the adoption of BIM (and digitalisation) brings to the industry, and to its professionals? Why and How does it constitutes an improvement to how all AEC professionals have worked for years? This training takes you on a quick overview of overall and generic benefits of BIM implementation, and digitalisation in general, for the all AEC industry.